Thursday, April 21, 2011


Telling a brand or groups story can be difficult in the small amount of time it takes to grab the viewer’s attention and engage the viewer to continue the interaction. Chapter 10 explains how storytelling is used to communicate related messages that, over a period of time, will distinguish differentiate, reflect positively, construct or contribute to its brand personality, be memorable (stick), resonate and influence people. Developing the story can be the most difficult task because in a media-dense society, most people don’t care or take the time to be influenced by advertising. Storytelling generation can be created by thinking “What if?” What if you needed to get to New York in 12 hours? What if wanted to get the knot out of your hair? What if you needed to know what time it was? These what if questions create frame problems that consumers have and brands can be apart of the solution. An example of such is “what if you needed an organ?” Advertising for organ donation is difficult and can end up being sort of cheesy. This commercial is to gain organ donors and features a good example of storytelling (warning: it might make you cry). Although this commercial was from Brazil, the story is strong enough that it can be understood by anyone.


  1. That commercial worked very well because many of us understand the connection between dog and owner. That's a very sad way to have people realize they should be organ donors, but there are also funnier approaches to the same subject.

    These are 2 commercials created for the hispanic population in California to encourage organ donation. (they will NOT make you cry!)

  2. All these commercials work in a way where we can relate to on a personal level or even make others realize how they could change someone else life by being a donor.

  3. Story telling is a very effective way to reach out to your audience. Although it is very hard to construct a successfull way to reach to your audience through a story within 30 seconds of commercial time, it is well worth it. This also reminds me of the french type commercial where the dog was trying to impress his girlfriend by brining her a lot of different toys until he finally got it right. Although the actually company had nothing to do with this kind of story it was still successful because who can turn away from a cute story about two dog lovers :)

  4. I think that the video you posted from Brazil is a great example of how design done in a successful, effective way can bring people from various areas of the world together for the opportunity to resolve the issue that both or all parties feel need to be addressed.
