In Chapter 15, it talks about unconventional advertising. Unconventional advertising “ambushes” the public, it appears in public or private environments - places and surfaces where advertising does not usually live. Context is important and unconventional advertising can make people notice - that is, it can break through to consumers in ways that traditional ads do not or can not, and it might garner free publicity from the news media. Often, clients and agencies turn to unconventional marketing when the budget is too low for television or for rich Web solutions. The underpinning hope is that a terrific unconventional solution will garner free attention from the press.
There are basic questions to ask when you create unconventional advertising:
- What is the goal? Why would you employ unconventional marketing rather than conventional or screen media?
- What will the audience get out of it? Something worthwhile?
- Since unconventional advertising intrudes in non-paid media space, will it be more beneficial that annoying?
Here is a site I found with different examples of unconventional advertisements.